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Dear Parents and Carers
It is always invigorating to visit the classrooms at St Bede’s as they are vibrant and dynamic learning spaces. We are fortunate to have dedicated teachers who spend many hours preparing lessons to ensure the children access challenging learning experiences. As we approach the end of the first semester, it is wonderful to see how engaged the students are with their learning and to hear the positive comments from teachers regarding the progress that their students are making. Next Thursday, the Infants teachers will be conducting an information session on Initialit which is a new way of teaching literacy which commenced at St Bede’s this year. A note went home to all Infants parents on Monday. We hope you are able to attend the workshop which will assist you with helping your child to read and write.
We are very excited to have canteen commencing operation on Friday, June 18 for lunch orders. Orders need to be placed in a paper bag with money and placed in the lunch basket in each classroom. We are still in need of volunteers to assist on a roster basis. If we have enough volunteers you may only be required to assist once per term. Thank you to our parents who have already offered to assist. If you are able to help please contact Beck Thistleton. We are extremely grateful to Beck and Marita Fuhrer for kindly offering to manage the canteen. A current canteen menu has been sent home this afternoon for your convenience.
Each Thursday our School Counsellor Ryoko visits St Bede’s and works closely with students assisting them with a range of issues. Occasionally, we are requested by parents to provide resources to assist with parenting. The website is a wonderful resource full of resources for parents. The website provides free, reliable, up-to-date and independent information to help families grow and thrive together. They are funded by the Australian Government, reviewed by experts and non-commercial. Designed for busy families and full of tips and tricks for you to try, the content is easy to find and easy to digest. They have the answers to hundreds of parenting questions, where and when you need them. Their articles, videos and interactive resources are tailored to different ages and stages, taking you from nurturing a newborn to raising a confident, resilient teen – and helping you to look after yourself as a parent too. We encourage you to have a look and this website comes highly recommended by Ryoko. If you think your child/children need to see the counsellor please use the link provided on the newsletter and she will contact you.
We now have a Class Representative for Year 4. Corinne Haraldson has kindly offered to be the class representative for this year and she will organise an activity early next term.
Have a wonderful weekend
God Bless
Marylou Gorham
Beauty of Winter
God of creation, thank you for the beauty of winter- for snow, icy window panes, evergreen trees, warm coats, sledding, and hot cocoa. Let us enjoy Your creation in all its glory, this winter and always.
Author Unknown
Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:30pm Tuesday 22nd June 2021 at St Bede’s Church.
Children have received a letter to take home to parents this week with further information about the Sacrament of Reconciliation and an enrolment form which will need to be returned to the parish by 14 June 2021. Please contact Miss Kaptein if you have not received this letter or if you have any questions.
Sacrament of First Eucharist - Save the date
This year, children in Year 3 & 4 who have made their First Reconciliation (or are making this Sacrament this term) are eligible for the Sacrament of First Eucharist this year. There will be a special mass for the children and their families on 10:30am Sunday 15th August 2021 at St Bede’s Church, which is the Feast of the Assumption. If you would like your child to make this sacrament, please contact Miss Kaptein.
St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal
With the Antarctic blast that we are currently facing, it is a timely reminder to remember those who do not have all they need to stay warm during winter.
St Vincent de Paul’s Winter Appeal provides emergency relief to people at risk and experiencing homelessness. Your donation and support will help ensure that families at risk of homelessness get the financial and emotional support they need to keep themselves and their children safe.
If you are able to donate any of the following items these would be greatly appreciated.
• Blankets
• Large Jackets
• Large Jumpers
• Warm Gloves and Socks
• Sleeping Bags
Please bring in any donations by Friday 25th June 2021. Miss Kaptein will take all donations to the Saint Vincent de Paul Braidwood chapter.
Kinder |
Winston | Che | |
Year 1 |
Leo | Luca | Mason |
Year 2 |
Joey | Charlotte | |
Year 3 |
Snow | Mack | |
Year 4 |
Lewy | Aidan | Lyall |
Year 5 |
Dexter | Leilani | |
Year 6 |
Max | Nerson | |
Library |
Sienna |
Kinder - Year 2 Parent Information Sessions
InitiaLit Program
We will be providing a parent information session for K-2 parents next Thursday 17th June at 3:30pm. The session will provide some information for parents about our InitiaLit programs and will also suggest some strategies parents can use to support reading with their child at home. In addition, we request that any parents who wish to help in classrooms from Term 3, to please attend to ensure appropriate training is provided beforehand.
Rugby Union
Congratulations to Jack (Yr 6) who has gained selection in the Archdiocesan open rugby union team. Jack will now travel to Forbes next week to trial for the MacKillop team. We wish him all the best!
Well done to Pippa, Archer and Isla who travelled to Sydney on Tuesday to compete at the MacKillop Cross Country carnival. They all put in a great effort and were very excited to be competing against students from across the state.

Good luck to our students competing at the NR Athletics tomorrow in Goulburn. It is forecast to be very cold (and always windy at Hudson Park!) so please come prepared with suitable clothing and blankets. Students are to wear full sports uniform please. If the weather is poor and the carnival is unable to be held, a message will go out early in the morning.
St Bede's Footy Tipping Comp
1 |
Columbo Brumby |
76 |
2 |
Mrs Tooth |
74 |
3 |
Dragons6781 |
73 |
4 |
The BA |
73 |
5 | RaiderStell |
72 |
Last |
CBTipsta [might be a teacher of little people] |
56 |
Coming Soon - St Bede's Canteen
Canteen returns Friday 18 June
We are still looking for volunteers to help run canteen on Fridays, please either contact the office or Beck to place your name on the roster. It is hoped that with enough volunteers, that parents will only need to do a day once a term.
If you are able to help and would like to know how it runs and what to do please contact Beck on 0438 211071.
Term 2 | Volunteer Name | Volunteer Name |
18 June | Beck | |
25 June | ||
Term 3 | ||
16 July | ||
23 July |
Please see the below updated menu and pricelist.
Enrolment Reminder
St Bede's are currently enroling students for 2022. If you have a child that is school age and is able to start Kinder next year please complete an online application.
School Fees
The term 2 fees are overdue, reminder notices and letters have been sent out.
Please make it priority if you are yet to pay your fees.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties making these payments please contact either Marylou or Lara.
A big thank you to those parents who have already paid their school fees. We appreciate your commitment to the school.