Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome back to all our families new and existing. In addition to our Kinder families, we welcome the Smithers, Binu, Maslin-Ghioni families and the Busby family who have returned to St Bede’s after being away for two years.
We also welcome our existing and new teachers and staff: Ms Renee Foot who is teaching Year 5/6, Ms Mary Fetterplace who is teaching Year 4, Mr Bob Fletcher who is teaching Sport RFF and Ms Kris Wise who is doing Library Admin. Mrs Jennie Marsh is teaching Kinder one day each week for Semester Two while Ms Lis Mertens is on leave. We congratulate Bridget and Cameron Bradley on the arrival of their daughter Ashleigh Clare on New Years eve, a very precious sister for Charlie. We look forward to Bridget and her family visiting St Bede’s this year. Please keep Mrs Rebecca McPake in your prayers. She resigned from her position at the end of last year due to illness. She is presently recovering from recent surgery.
During the holidays, all the new furniture arrived in the K-2 classrooms and the front office and the grounds have all been freshly mowed and tidied up. A huge thank you to Kristi and Tim Morrison who delivered a fresh load of tanbark and sand for the play areas and Richard Bunn for the work on the grounds.
Each Thursday, a newsletter is sent home. In odd weeks it is for dates and reminders and in even weeks, a full newsletter. The newsletter this week is for reminders and dates. Please carefully check the dates as we have many events happening in the next few weeks. Our opening school liturgy and Ash Wednesday ceremony will be held at St Bede’s Church at 10:30am on Wednesday February 14. The Year 6 leaders will receive their badges which will be blessed by Fr Tony during the liturgy. Parents, carers and grandparents are most welcome to join with the parishoners to celebrate the liturgy. Each Friday at 2:50pm we will have an awards ceremony in the hall for students K-6. Parents and families are most welcome to attend. Awards will commence next week.
We look forward to catching up with you all in the next few weeks.
God bless
Marylou Gorham