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- Principals Report
- RE Report and Prayer
- School Counsellor
- Community Council Happenings - June 2023
- Term 2 Fees + New Finance System
- Important Dates
- Points to Remember
- Sports News
- Lunchbox Reminder
- Compass Parent Portal
- Biggest Morning Tea Report
- Nutrition Snippet
- Canteen
- Cat in the Hat - Live on stage
- Week 6- Term 2 - Awards
Dear Parents and Carers,
As a Catholic community, St Bede’s understands the importance of reconciliation with the First Australian people and are guided by the Catholic Social Teaching of solidarity, believing that we are all responsible for each other. The world becomes a better place to live if we build a community where everyone can reach their full potential, through respect for each other’s dignity, rights and responsibilities. We were privilege as a community on Monday to have Ms. Crispin share with the students the importance of reconciliation and lead a school liturgy that allowed us as a Catholic community to continue to walk towards reconciliation.
The following passage from National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council highlights how we as a community and first Australians may begin to reconcile.
'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culture has been in place for over 60,000 years in Australia and is the oldest surviving culture in the world. However, there was not a singular 'culture' shared by the thousands of language groups that covered the Australian continent at the time of settlement. Each group had different environments and differing kinship systems, dreamtime stories and spiritual beliefs. There were, however, constant threads throughout including the concept of a creator spirit that looks provides and watches over us. He was their Protector, Provider, Carer and Saviour. His name was honoured.'
Traditional culture uses stories to teach about sharing, caring for each other and the land and providing moral guidance. The stories throughout the bible serve the exact purpose - placing God's teachings into context.

Last week was a celebration of what makes St. Bede’s such a wonderful community. We had the St Bede's Feast Day Mass and the presentation of awards. Thank you to Mrs. Bradley (Welfare) who organised a fantastic celebration.
On a very windy Thursday we held the school's Athletic Carnival. Thank you to all the families who were able to assist and a big thank you to Mrs. Tooth who organised the carnival.
On Friday we continued to celebrate as a community with a sports afternoon, BBQ and cake on Friday. Thank you to all the staff involved in allowing our students to enjoy these activities, also a big thank you to Mrs Trish Young for the marvellous cake.
It is with great sadness that we farewell Mrs. Jacqui Walker. Jacqui is relocating with her family to Cobar. Jacqui has worked tirelessly as a CSA to support the classroom teacher and allow students to achieve their academic best.
This week, via Compass I posted the Parent Survey. This Survey allows you as a parent to give feedback and guidance. Can I please ask that you take the time to complete the short survey as any feedback is taken onboard by the staff and Community Council and used to better address parent concerns. Please use the link to access the survey.
The building of the new classrooms and Admin Building continues. I am sure the builders appreciate the questions and advice of the many foreman.

As mentioned last week I have been volunteered to participate in this year CEO Vinnies Sleepout. If you are able to donate please do.
As always if you have concerns please contact your child's classroom teacher or myself. We work in partnership with you and are always happy to have a conversation and address any concerns.
Kind Regards
Mark Chifley
Acting Principal
Pentecost is the time we celebrate the Holy Spirit coming down to the Apostles to give them the strength to continue on Jesus’ work after he ascended into Heaven. The Holy Spirit gives us gifts at the time we receive Confirmation. Our Year 5 and Year 6 students will receive Confirmation next year (2024).
Last Saturday evening we celebrated Pentecost at Mass. Thank you to all the children and their families who came along to help us celebrate the birthday of the Church. The children paraded in with their Holy Spirit flames and displayed them on the ambo. The parish community were very touched by the children’s contribution.
I have news from Fr Mick with regards to the sacramental program for this year. Year 3 will make their Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in Terms 3 and 4 and this will be the practice from now on. Year 3 parents will get communication as soon as possible. Year 2 will receive these sacraments next year.
May God’s peace and joy be with you and your family.

Helen Mulholland
Religious Education Coordinator
Our School Counsellor, Sharman is currently on leave. We will have Mari with covering this leave for the coming weeks. Mari will be visiting St Bede's on Fridays, except for this Friday May 5. If you think your child would benefit from seeing Mari please complete the online referral form at
Community Council Happenings - June 2023
The St Bede’s Community Council are running at winter raffle!
We have some amazing prizes on offer. Tickets are $5 each or 3 for $12. The raffle will be drawn on Friday 16th June. You have to be in it to win it!
Tickets will be on sale this Friday 2 June at the assembly (from 2:50pm) this will be a cash only. Stay tuned for further sale dates!
1st Prize: One night stay at Lake George Winery including wine tasting & a bottle of your favourite wine – value $300.
2nd Prize: $100 voucher to Pomegrante, Kingston (contemporary Mediterranean restaurant).
3rd Prize: $100 voucher to Poacher’s Pantry, Murrumbateman restaurant & cellar door.
4th Prize: Shaw Wines, Murrumbateman Wine tasting & cheese platter for 2 – values at $36.
The first major fundraiser is the upcoming Bunnings Sausage Sizzle to be held in Fyshwick on Saturday 10th June 9am – 4pm.
We are looking for volunteers to assist in time slots: 10-12pm, 12-2pm and 2-4pm. If you are able to assist, please contact Kristi M on 0410 902 965.
Term 2 Fees + New Finance System
Term 2 Fees have been emailed to all parents. The due date for this Terms fees is the 9 June 2023 (next Friday).
As mentioned in the email, we have moved onto a new finance system and the preferred payment method by BPAY. Due to the new system our Biller Code and the Family Reference Numbers have changed, so please before making a BPAY payment check that you have the new numbers. (these are located on the bottom left corner of the statement). Statements will be automatically generated every month to your email.
Any questions or issues with payment of the fees, please contact the office email.
Date | Event | Start Time | Location |
9 June | Term 2 Fees Due | ||
10 June | Bunnings Sausage sizzle- helpers needed | 10 am | Fyshwick |
12 June | King's Birthday long weekend | ||
16 June | NR Althetics Carnival | TBA | Goulburn |
26 June | Student reports on Compass | ||
30 June | House spirit Day | ||
30 June | Last day of Term 2 |
- The 2024 enrolment period has now ended. We will be holding interviews in the coming weeks. Any families with Kinder age children, including siblings, the online applications need to be completed ASAP to be included for Kinder next year.
- Unwell Students , including students who have had COVID should be kept at home until they are symptom free (that is NO Cough, runny nose, fever etc.). Your understanding in this matter is appreciated and will help to prevent the spread of illness through the school.
- School photo envelopes went home today. Photo day is Tuesday 20 June 2023 (week 9), any families wanting sibling photos please contact the office for a sibling form. Any issues or questions please contact MSP Photography directly on 62559208.
- From June 1 to July 31, St Bede’s students will be having hats off! Students are not required to wear hats at school when they are outside during this time.
- Please keep contact details up to date, if your address has changed email the office. Compass can be used to change email and phone details. If these details aren't kept up to date it makes it very difficult for staff to contact parents in an emergency.
- Any children that are late to school, (after the morning bell) the parents need to sign the children in at the office.
Athletics Carnival
Our annual Athletics carnival was held last Thursday at the Rec. Ground in trying windy conditions! A lot of fun was had by all our students who gave their best and competed with their friends in great spirit. The best dressed teddy competition was fiercely contested with a huge number of entries. Congratulations to Eleanor, Betty, Fallon and Charlie H who were the winners on the day, earning valuable points for their houses. The inaugural Year 6 vs teachers vs parents dress up running relay was held, with the Year 6 kids edging out the parents for the win. Well done kids – although there was some dubious calls on whether the clothes were actually put on!
As always, we couldn’t have held our carnival without the support of our army of parents, grandparents and friends who started, timed, recorded, measured, organised and cheered on our athletes. Thank you for giving your time and effort to ensure the carnival was a success. Our final two events (long jump and high jump) will be held at school on Friday, after which notes will be sent home for those students who have gained selection in our school team to compete at the Northern Region carnival in Goulburn on Friday 16th June.
Archdiocesan Cross Country Carnival
On Friday 19th May 3 students travelled to Stromlo Forest Park in Canberra to represent the Northern Region at the Archdiocesan Cross Country carnival. Well done to Sonny, Archer and Pippa who gave their absolute best on the day. Pippa (6th) will now move on to represent the Archdiocese at the MacKillop Championships in Sydney in a few weeks. Congratulations and good luck!
Sporting Schools Hockey Clinics
The students had the first of 4 hockey skills clinics with Matt from Gecko Sports yesterday thanks to funding through the Sporting Schools program. A reminder that all students K-6 will wear sports uniform on Wednesdays until the end of the term as well as their regular PE/Sports days.
Footy Tipping
Tim Thiso continues his good form at the top of the table, but a few new names in the top five are looking to run him down after some consistent tipping. The leaderboard after round 13 is:
- Tim Thiso - 63 points
- =2 Crystalbella - 59 points
=2 Green Machine Haraldson - 59 points
=2 Kate Kiwi - 59 points
=2 Troy V - 59 points
Parents please note that St Bede's is a Nut Free school and as such the sharing of any food, lollies or confectionery is not encouraged, as we have several students that have severe reactions. Therefore Nutella, Peanut Butter and any other nut butters are strongly discouraged.
The Compass Parent Portal is a secure online portal that lets parents access information about their child.
The Portal is accessible via the web and the Compass School manager App (via the the App store on your device)
What You Can Do?
- Submit absent notes
- Communicate directly with teachers (desktop only)
- Access your child's reports
- View and maintain attendance records
- Update basic Contact information
- Receive relevant messaging through the app or desktop
We did it! What an incredible K, 1 & 2 Community Biggest Morning Tea we had yesterday at the Braidwood Old Sunday School Hall Assoc Inc. We are so lucky to be part of the St Bede's Primary School, Braidwood community. With immense gratitude to our community, we raised… drum roll $5,001 for Cancer Council NSW! Thank you to each and every person who donated online, baked cakes/scones/slices, sold Cadbury chocolates, bought raffle tickets, helped on the day and made our event such an overwhelming success. A huge thank you to each and every business who supported our Australia's Biggest Morning Tea. (Please see below the list of acknowledgements) It made the world of difference to have your gifts part of our fundraising. Thank you also to the Braidwood Old Sunday School Hall committee who very generously offered the use of their newly refurbished hall facilities to host the morning tea. Our online fundraising page is still open if you’d like to make a tax deductible donation before end of financial year. Thank you, Braidwood and St Bede’s Community for coming together and making such an impactful difference all while enjoying a cup of tea and cake. It doesn’t get better than that!
A massive thank to to Rachel Farley, Kahla Harton and Nicole Vardanega for their tireless support in organising the morning tea, including all the raffle prizes. The full report can be viewed online at the Braidwood Bugle.
Business that supported the morning tea and the raffle/prize winners:
Lucky Door Prize - Haigh’s Chocolates Milk & Dark Chocolate Gift Box Hamper valued at $75 – Helen Small
“Guess the Tea Cup” – Beautiful assorted chocolates & china tea cup trio donated by Helen Farley – Wendy
Tea-riffic Raffle Winners
- $150 Warmer Photography Voucher – Catherine Rowley
- 2x $50 voucher for Café 134 – Asha Kidd & Sammi Charles
- $45 voucher for Deadwood, Braidwood – Kristi Morrison
- Oscar’s Donuts - assorted 6 pack – Mrs Geneth Frame
- $30 Berry Tea Shop Voucher – Marita Fuhrer
Fundraising Auction Winners
- Mattherhorn Lodge Perisher - 2 night stay for family of 5 valued at $1500! – Amanda Vardanega
- Silver Run, Thredbo - 2 night stay for 2 adults valued at $1000! – Nicole Vardanega
- One night stay in Superior King Room at Hotel Avenue, Canberra with breakfast for 2 at Marble & Grain
valued at $312! – Lara Hewitt - Jervis Bay Family Whale Watching Pass valued at $192! – Brenda Vardanega
- Capital Co Brewing, Canberra- 1 x Capital Coast Ale and 1 x XPA case valued at $60 – Margaret Tuckwell
- 4 Pinot rosé gifted by Sapling Yard Winery valued at $30 – Kristi Morrison
- The entire Bin Chicken children’s book series by Kate & Jol Temple valued at $86.75 – Maurene Horder
- Pearl drop sterling silver earrings by Quin & Fern Harlequin Jewellery, Canberra valued at $55 – Margaret
Tuckwell - Inspired Table French Linen $70 voucher – Kathy Toirkens
- Ceramic vase by Tania Vrancic valued at $175 – Emily Krout
- Grubbee Kids children store $100 voucher – Naomi Royds
- “Heartbake” signed by author Charlotte Ree valued at $39.99 – Bonnie Hunter
- “Dorrie” signed by author Tania McCartney with $50 voucher to The Book Cow, Kingston total value $75 –
Bonnie Hunter - Lucian handmade candles pack valued at $92.50! – Maurene Horder
- “Recipes in the Mail” signed by author Amy Minichiello valued at $45 – Kate Morris
- Crocheted baby bonnets by Leo&Evelyn valued at $30 each – Brenda Vardanega
- “This is not a book about Benedict Cumberbatch” signed by author Tabitha Carvan valued at $35 – Amanda
Flack - “Prettier if She Smiled More” signed by author Toni Jordan valued at $24.75 – Amanda Flack
- Rose wine pack gifted by Vineyard 1207, Murrumbateman valued at $80 – Rebecca Razaeian
- Red wine pack gifted by Vineyard 1207, Murrumbateman valued at $86 – Geneth Frame
- Little Cotton Ears hand crocheted Koala & Ant toy valued at $59 each – Barbara Gilbey
- Natura Jewellery – Tea tree & Prehnite drop earrings valued at $310 – Geneth Frame
- China tea cup trio sets donated by Helen Farley – Amanda Flack & Margaret Tuckwell
- Tea Centre Canberra, 2x Luxury tea tins valued at $33 – Rachel Farley

For canteen to run at St Bede's we need at least two parent helpers for each week on the roster. If we do not have two volunteers then we are unable to have canteen and it will be cancelled for that week. Please refer to the below roster.
If canteen is cancelled then your child will need to bring their own lunch, as per a non canteen day. Please note that if canteen is cancelled and your child has an order, parents/carers will be contacted to provide lunch.
Any parents that are interested in helping in canteen and have a couple of hours available on a Monday morning (Please see the roster for coming dates) please email the office.
If you have any questions about what is required to help on canteen please contact Brenda on 0438 275 032 or Trish on 0412 889507 or 02 48422027.
Please note that any parents volunteering for canteen must have a current Working With Children Check (WWCC). WWCC can be applied for through Service NSW (link) applying for a WWCC. Once you have received the clearance please send a copy of the email + your date of birth to the office as the clearances are checked.
Term 2 Canteen
5 June | No Canteen | |
12 June | Helpers Needed | |
19 June | No Canteen | |
26 June | Helpers Needed |
Canteen Price list - April 2023
Please note that we have updated the canteen menu and that there has been a price rise for Sausage rolls - they are now $3.00 each
Cat in the Hat - Live on stage
Kinder |
Maicie | Heidi | |
Year 1 |
Lili | Miguel | AJ |
Year 2 |
Jack L | Willow | |
Year 3 |
Teddy | James | Ava |
Year 4 |
Elias | Josie | |
Year 5 |
Zara | Dylan | |
Year 6 |
Natalie | Gordon |