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This week we had a wonderful liturgy for the feast day of St Mary MacKillop. Mother Mary is an inspiration to us all. She gave her life to those who needed it, and her quote, “Never see a need without doing something about it,” has motivated generations of Australian Catholics to better themselves by giving generously, and to live humble lives, regardless of the situations they find themselves in. We all aspire to be like Mary Mackillop and to strive to be kind and seek to provide a more supportive world.

Last week we said farewell to Mrs Cherie Kilburn who resigned from her teaching position in Year One to relocate and care for her daughter who is ill. We welcome Ms Sarah Jebb to St Bede’s who is teaching Year One for the remainder of this year. Sarah loves working at St Bede’s and is enjoying being the Year One teacher.

Please keep Fr Mick in your prayers as he recovers from emergency surgery. We wish Fr Mick a speedy recovery and we hope to see him back at St Bede's soon.
Have a fantastic week!
God bless
Principal, St Bede's School
Last week we celebrated Grandparents Day with a liturgy involving students from Kinder to Year 6. Following the liturgy, families enjoyed a shared lunch then joined in some old fashioned games. The weather was perfect and we had a wonderful turn out. Thank you to all of those grandparents and special friends who were able to join us.
A Blessing for Grandparents
Dear God,
Please bless our grandparents. Thank you for the life they gave my parents and for the life they give to me.
For the ways they helped me and made me strong, I give thanks.
For the ways they love me no matter what, I rejoice.
For the ways they have paved the road that leads me here, I am grateful.
Let them grow in wisdom and joy in life. Let them find peace and rest from their work. Let them be healed of every sickness and pain.
And let them see with their own eyes the glory of your Son, Jesus, in the love of their children and grandchildren.
Bless them with length of days and joy at the last.
On Tuesday we also celebrated the feast day of Saint Mary Mackillop. We had a whole school liturgy at the St Bede's Church, whilst some students headed to Araluen with their parents/grandparents and Mr Chifley to attend a special Parish Mass in her honour. Araluen was a significant place in the life of Mary Mackillop who spent some time there in her travels. Thank you to the parents and grandparents who made this possible and attended the Mass and celebrations that followed with the children.

This Saturday ten of our Year 3 students will begin their preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. They will participate in 4 preparation sessions being run by Cathy Ffrench and Ann Tracey through the Parish and will receive the sacrament at 5pm on Saturday 9th September. We keep these children in our prayers as they complete their preparation. Sacramental program forms were sent home with the children last Friday, please contact Mrs Bradley if you have not received one.
Please keep Fr. Mick in your thoughts and prayers as he recovers.
- Father's Day Celebration - 1st September @ St Bede's Church (more information to come)
- Sacrament of Reconciliation - 9th September 5pm @ St Bede's Church
- Br Brian's Farewell - 17th September 2pm @ Braidwood Servicemens Club
- Br Brian's Farewell from St Bede's School - Tuesday 19th September 1:50pm @ St Bede's School
Date | Event | Start Time | Location |
16 August | "Call to Connect" Morning Tea | 9:10 am | CWA rooms |
18 August | Raffle Tickets due back to school | ||
22 August | Book Week Activities | TBA | School Grounds |
22 August | Year 2 Catch Up | 3:30 pm | Skate Park |
31 August | Fathers Day Stall - helpers needed | 2 pm | School Grounds |
1 September | Fathers day Breakfast | TBA | School Grounds |
1 September | Fathers Day Celebration | TBA | St Bede's Church |
9 September | Sacrament of Reconcilation | 5 pm | St Bede's Church |
17 September | Br Brian's Farewell | 2 - 5 pm | |
19 September | Br. Brian's farewell from school | 1:50 pm | School grounds |
10 October | 2024 Yr 7 CWA education Grants close |
- Year 7 Students for 2024 - CWA Education Grants - Applications are now open and the paperwork has been sent home this week. The closing date is the 10 October 2023, any families wishing to apply please speak with Mrs Gorham before October 2 to arrange the Principal's reference. For more information please contact the CWA contacts on the application.
- All students are to be wearing hats again from August 1.
- Unwell Students (Cough, runny nose, fever etc.) should be kept at home, to help prevent the spread of illness through the school. The school has a small supply of RATs should any families require some, please contact the office.
- Any child with hair that is to their shoulders or longer, need to have the hair tied back to prevent the spread of head lice.
- Please keep contact details up to date, if your address has changed email the office. Compass can be used to change email and phone details. If these details aren't kept up to date it makes it very difficult for staff to contact parents in an emergency.
- Any children that are late to school, (after the morning bell) the parents need to sign the children in at the office.
- Changes to your child's normal departure arrangements needs to be notified to the office by either email (preferred) or phone before 2:30 pm.
Our School Counsellor, Mari, will be visiting St Bede's on Fridays for the rest of this year. If you think your child would benefit from seeing a counsellor please complete the online referral form at
Year 4 & 5 parents are currently fundraising to help offset the cost of the Year 5/6 camp next year, and currently have a number of events happening - please see below:
The Compass Parent Portal is a secure online portal that lets parents access information about their child.
The Portal is accessible via the web and the Compass School manager App (via the the App store on your device)
What You Can Do?
- Submit absent notes
- Communicate directly with teachers (desktop only)
- Access your child's reports
- View and maintain attendance records
- Update basic Contact information
- Receive relevant messaging through the app or desktop
Thank you to the parents who helped cover the new CBCA shortlisted library books.
The Book Week Theme for 2023 is "READ, GROW, INSPIRE".
Please find some websites links below to help with costume ideas:
Yours in reading
Parents please note that St Bede's is a Nut Free school and as such the sharing of any food, lollies or confectionery is not encouraged, as we have several students that have severe reactions. Therefore Nutella, Peanut Butter and any other nut butters are strongly discouraged.
For canteen to run at St Bede's we need at least two parent helpers for each week on the roster. If we do not have two volunteers then we are unable to have canteen and it will be cancelled for that week. Please refer to the below roster.
If canteen is cancelled then your child will need to bring their own lunch, as per a non canteen day. Please note that if canteen is cancelled and your child has an order, parents/carers will be contacted to provide lunch.
Any parents that are interested in helping in canteen and have a couple of hours available on a Monday morning (Please see the roster for coming dates) please email the office.
If you have any questions about what is required to help on canteen please contact Brenda on 0438 275 032 or Trish on 0412 889507 or 02 48422027.
Please note that any parents volunteering for canteen must have a current Working With Children Check (WWCC). WWCC can be applied for through Service NSW (link) applying for a WWCC. Once you have received the clearance please send a copy of the email + your date of birth to the office as the clearances are checked.
Term 3 Canteen
21 August | Kristie W | Helper needed |
4 September | Kristie W | Helper needed |
18 September | Kristie W | Helper needed |
Kinder |
Maxi | Owen | |
Year 1 |
TBA | ||
Year 2 |
Maddie | Isabella | |
Year 3 |
Sam | Mason | |
Year 4 |
Seb | Josie | |
Year 5 |
Mack | Jolyon | |
Year 6 |
Angus | Stella |