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Dear Parents and Carers,
It is hard to believe that we have been back at school for four weeks! This week was the first full week at school for Kinder and they are doing remarkably well. When visiting classrooms, it gives much pleasure to see how focused and engaged that the children are, with their learning.
Tomorrow, we will have our first school mass to bless and celebrate a new school year. This mass will be celebrated at St Bede’s church at 10am. At the mass, the Year 6 leadership badges will be blessed by Father Sijo and all staff and students will be given a blessing. Parents, carers and grandparents are most welcome to attend the mass. All students are to be in their full summer uniform.
Lately we are seeing a few variations to our uniform. A reminder that all students wear black shoes. The girls wear either the school dress or navy shorts with a blue shirt and white socks. Please-no leggings or tights with the dress. Boys wear navy shorts, blue shirt and navy socks. Uniform is available from our second-hand uniform shop or Len Mutton & Co. Thank you for your assistance with this.
Next Week is the commencement of Lent. On Tuesday we celebrate Shrove Tuesday. Traditionally our students are given pancakes on Shrove Tuesday to eat at Recess. This year, the St Bede’s parishioners have kindly offered to provide the pancakes for our students and staff. We are extremely grateful to them for doing this. The following day is Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday begins the Lenten Season. Lent is the time before Easter when Catholics prepare to commemorate Jesus’s Resurrection through prayer, penance, and fasting. During the season of Lent, let us embrace the call to penance, prayer, and almsgiving. Through self-discipline and reflection, may we draw closer to the transformative love of Christ, preparing our hearts for the joy of Easter. We will all be attending mass on Ash Wednesday at 12pm. Parents and carers are most welcome to attend.
This year we have several new staff members at St Bede’s. They love working at St Bede’s and being part of the school and Braidwood community and are feeling very welcomed.
- Ms Hayley Millsom - Hayley has been teaching for several years in the Wollongong Diocese and more recently Wilcannia-Forbes Diocese.
- Ms Laurel Clark - Laurel is an experienced teacher who has worked at department and catholic schools.
- Ms Elizabeth Conroy - Elizabeth is an experienced teacher who has worked in several schools in Sydney.
- Mrs Sue Anderson - Library - Sue has many years of experience teaching in CECG schools as a Teacher-Librarian.
Community Council News - Currently there are two positions vacant, the position of Treasurer and a parent to share the Fundraising role. The Council has 6 meetings per year which are held at school in terms 1 and 4 and online in the evenings, during terms 2 and 3. The meetings are usually no longer than an hour. Should you be interested in either of these positions, please contact either myself or Richard Bunn on 0427633184 for information about the roles and email an Expression of Interest to Marylou Gorham at by this Monday March 3.
This week we have many students and staff away with various illnesses including whooping cough, stomach viruses, rhinovirus and colds. If your child is feeling unwell, please keep them away until they are better, to avoid spreading the illness to others. Thank you in advance for your assistance with this.
This Saturday is the Braidwood Show which I am sure many of you will attend to view our wonderful display and to see the amazing work our children have done. We are extremely grateful to Ms Doszpot and Ms Cooper for organsing the display and to Ms Doszpot and Ms Kelly for their organisation of the drinks stall. If you can assist in any way on the day, please contact Ms Doszpot at school tomorrow.
God Bless
Marylou Gorham
Braidwood Show
Thank you to our vounteers who will be helping at the St Bede's Drink Stall at the Braidwood Show. A reminder that any donations of baked goods can be dropped at school tomorrow. I look forward to seeing many of you at the Show!
Student Absences
Yesterday, reminders were sent via Compass regarding unexplained absences. If you received a notification, please head to the Compass Parent Portal to update your child’s attendance as soon as possible. If you have a query regarding unexplained absences, please contact me via email and I will investigate and update accordingly. Often the reason for discrepancies is when students arrive late (after 8:55am) and have not been signed in at the Front Office by a parent or guardian.
Student Communication Devices
Please see the new St Bede’s Communication Device Statement of Practice that has been developed in line with Catholic Education Canberra Goulburn policy documentation.
The Resilience Project
This year, we are excited to be implementing the Resilience Project from Kindergarten to Year 6.
This week as a family, I encourage you to explore the notion of Gratitude. Gratitude involves recognising and expressing appreciation for the people, places and things in our lives. Practicing gratitude allows us to pay attention to what we have, increasing feelings of happiness and leading to a more positive outlook on life.
Perhaps you could use the below prompts during a family meal to get help grow gratitude as a family:
Have a wonderful end to the week!
Kind regards,
Amy Doszpot
Assistant Principal
Dear St Bede’s families,
Opening School Mass
Tomorrow, Friday 28 February, St Bede’s will gather as a school community at 10 am in the St Bede’s Church. We will be joined by Fr Sijo to celebrate Mass and open the new school year. Following Mass, we will welcome and bless our new staff, students and Year 6 leaders. A friendly reminder that all students are requested to wear full blue uniform tomorrow for the event. Families are welcome to join us. We hope to see you there!
Shrove Tuesday
Next Tuesday, March 4, we will continue the tradition of celebrating Shrove Tuesday at St Bede’s. Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent, a 40-day period of fasting and penance in preparation for Easter. Traditionally, people would make pancakes on this day to use up ingredients like eggs, flour, milk and fat before they began fasting.
Students will enjoy pancakes at recess with a range of toppings on offer. Gluten and lactose free students will be catered for. We thank our wonderful St Bede’s parishioners for volunteering to make and serve our delicious morning tea. We ask for a gold coin donation to Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion – money to be brought on the day and given to class teachers please.
Join us as we Unite Against Poverty this Lent!
For more information:
Ash Wednesday
Next Wednesday, March 5, is Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Season of Lent – a time of reflection to prepare us for Jesus’ Resurrection at Easter. Fr Sijo will celebrate Mass with St Bede’s School and Parish at 12 pm at the St Bede’s Church. Families are welcome to attend.
Parish Mass
St Bede’s School will attend weekly Parish Mass on a rotating roster. Weekday Mass is held every Thursday at 10:15 am at St Bede’s Church. Families are welcome to join us.
Term 1 Parish Mass Roster:
Week 6 – Year 1
Week 7 – Kinder & Year 5/6
Week 8 – Year 2
Week 9 – Year 3 & 4
St Bede’s Parish - ‘Call to Connect’ Prayer Group
‘Call to Connect’ prayer group warmly invites all interested people from the parish and school community to join us for Lenten Prayer gathering and coffee. The Lenten Prayer gathering will be held on Friday 28 March at 10 am in the St Bede’s Church. Simple morning tea will be served at 10 am, with prayer starting at 10:15 am. The morning includes a short talk, reading from scripture followed by prayer and reflection, discussion points and lighting of candles for your intentions. For more information, contact the St Bede’s Parish.
Yours in faith,
Shaye Cooper
Religious Education Coordinator (Acting)
A prayer to open the 2025 school year
We are Pilgrims of Hope
Heavenly Father,
Bless our St. Bede’s community with wisdom, strength, and joy
as we journey together as pilgrims of hope.
Guide our steps in faith, learning, and friendship,
so that our school and parish may be a place of love and encouragement.
Fill our hearts with Your peace,
renew our spirit with hope,
and send us forth to share Your love with the world.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Date | Event | Start Time | Location |
28 Feb | Opening School Mass - Full blue uniform | 10 am | St Bede's Church |
1 March | Braidwood Show | ||
3 March | Trinity Catholic College Open Day | 9:30 am or 3:45 pm | Goulburn |
4 March | Shrove Tuesday | ||
5 March | Ash Wednesday | ||
6 March | Trinity Catholic College Open Day | 9:30 am or 3:45 pm | Goulburn |
7 March | Interim School Reports on Compass | ||
12 March | Trinity Catholic College Year 7 - Information evening | 4:00pm or 5:30 pm | Goulburn |
13 March | InitialLit Information Sessions | 3:30 - 4:00 pm | School |
13 March |
Composting & Worm Farming Incursion
School | |
12 -14 March | NAPLAN Testing Year 3 & 5 | ||
21 March | School Fees due for payment | ||
27 March | Meet & Greet BBQ | 5:30pm-7:30pm | Services Clubs |
28 March | Cross Country Carnival | TBA | TBA |
3 April | Try it @ Trinity Day - Year 6 students only | 10 am - 2 pm | Gouburn |
4 April | Working Bee and Movie night | TBA | school |
7-10 April | Easter Liturgies | ||
10 April | Easter Hat parade | 11:45 am | Wallace street |
10 April | End of Term for Students | ||
25 April | Anzac Day | ||
29 April | Students return |
2025 Term Dates
- Term 1 - Tuesday 4 February - Thursday 10 April 2025
- Term 2 – Tuesday 29 April – Thursday 3 July
- Term 3 – Tuesday 22 July – Thursday 25 September
- Term 4 – Tuesday 14 October – Thursday 18 December
- Does your child have asthma? Have you updated your child's Asthma Action plan for this year and does the school have a copy? Please remember to update your child's Asthma plan regularly with your doctor. These updated plans should then be given to the school, so that we are able to give the best care possible should an attack happen.
- We have had an outbreak of head lice and parents are reminded to check their childrens hair regulary. If head lice is found please follow NSW health guildelines for treatment.
- Please do not send your child to school with ring pull cans (like the lids on small tuna cans etc..) as these present a cutting hazard to children. Please open the can at home and place in a plastic container.
- We would ask that soft drinks are not sent to school with your children as we do try to encourage a healthy alternative like water.
- Please remember to contact the office before 2:30 pm with changes to your child's departure for the afternoon. After 2:30 it becomes difficult for staff to ensure that your child receives notification in time.
- If your child is unwell, please place their absence through the Compass Parent Portal App. There is no need to then notify the office once you have placed it into the Compass app.
- Please keep an eye on ourFaceBook page for the latest happenings around the school. StBede'sFaceBook page
School fees have been sent out to families via email and through Compass - fees are due for payment before Friday 21 March 2025.
The preferred method of payment for fees is through BPAY as it is cost effective. The BPAY reference details are in the top right and bottom left on the invoice.
Any families who are struggling to pay the fees before the due are to contact the school office to put an arrangement in place.
Northern Region Swimming
Last Thursday 23 students travelled to Queanbeyan to compete at the NR Swimming carnival. The children represented St Bede’s proudly on the day, showing incredible determination in their swimming, along with outstanding sportsmanship and team spirit. They encouraged one another and gave their best in every race. Well done on a fantastic effort! 9 students qualified to represent the Northern Region at the Archdiocesan championships, to be held next Monday in Boorowa. Good luck to Charlotte, Nina, Kitty, Teddy, Isabella, Willow, Ben, Poppy and Elliot.
Archdiocesan Tennis
Congratulations to Teddy (Year 5) who represented the Archdiocese at the MacKillop tennis trials last Friday. He thoroughly enjoyed the day, coming away with a couple of victories and some good experience ready for next year. Well done Teddy!
St Bede’s Footy Tipping Competition
It’s on again! The 2025 NRL season kicks off this weekend. To join in the fun, click on the link: or scan the QR code and enter the password: braidwood
It is free to enter and open to everyone in the St Bede’s community. TimThiso will be looking to make it 3 wins in a row - who can stop him this year?
Archdiocesan Sports Trials
Nominations are now open for the Canberra Goulburn Archdiocese team trials in the following sports: soccer, rugby league, rugby union, touch football, netball and hockey. Students must be in Year 5 or 6 this year. For further information, please contact Mrs Tooth at school or via email:
- Parents are reminded to check that their child's name is on all their clothing - it is impossible to return clothes with no name.
- The school has a 2nd hand uniform pool. If you would like any uniform items please call into the office to complete an order form or alternatively email the office with your order. You will be contacted once the order has been filled. Please note that as the uniform pool relies on donations from parents, we do not have a full range of items or sizes. Any families who have uniforms that they no longer need, please consider donating these back to the school, these can be left at the office. Thank you
- Len Mutton and Co are the schools official uniform supplier. They are located in the main street or phone 0248422446 or email
St Bede's is a Nut Free school
St Bede's is a nut free school - This mean that students should not bring anything containing nuts to school, this includes Nutella, Peanut Butter and any other nut butters as we have several students who are highly allergic to these items.
The sharing of any food, lollies or confectionery is not encouraged.
Healthy Lunchbox Nutrition Snippets
STEAM Club and the Braidwood Library
The Braidwood Library will be holding the first STEAM Club please see the below details:
Location: Braidwood Library 144 Wallace St, Braidwood
Date/Time: Wednesday 5 March 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Event Name: STEAM Club at Braidwood Library
Extra information: Join us for fun and educational activities. This month kids will be challenged with a marshmallow and toothpick building activity! Learn about gravity, engineering and architecture in a fun and hands-on way.
Who will build the tallest tower? Let's channel our inner architects and find out!
For ages 8+
Booking link: Here are the details for the first STEAM Club of the year at Braidwood Library (for the school newsletter):
Location: Braidwood Library 144 Wallace St, Braidwood
Date/Time: Wednesday 5 March 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Event Name: STEAM Club at Braidwood Library
Blurb: Join us for fun and educational activities. This month kids will be challenged with a marshmallow and toothpick building activity! Learn about gravity, engineering and architecture in a fun and hands-on way. Who will build the tallest tower? Let's channel our inner architects and find out!
For ages 8+
Booking link:
School Student Broadband Initiative (free NBN service)
The Federal Government's School Student Broadband Initiative provides a free NBN service to eligible families with school age children. For further information, please click on the link below.
Greetings from the School Counsellor
Important information about how to access School Counselling.
Hello lovely St. Bede’s families. My name is Faith and I have been part of the Marymead CatholicCare Student and Family Counselling team since 2019. During such time, I have worked in our regional primary and secondary schools as a student and family counsellor.
I am a social worker; I have previously worked in community services, AOD, and homelessness sectors. My passion for my role stems from an innate desire to help. I strive to assist my clients in acknowledging their strengths and realising their potential. I love working with diverse needs and have particular interest in neurodiversity.
In my school counselling work, I provide short-term client-centred support to children and their families drawing from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Strengths Based, Mindfulness and Trauma informed approaches in a developmental context. Our brief-intervention framework offers up to 5-6 sessions to students. For more complex issues or concerns requiring longer term support, I also provide referrals and information/parent consultation.
Please feel free to touch base with any questions or concerns relating to the counselling service.
How to make an appointment.
If your child/ren were seen by the school counsellor in previous years and you would like them to receive support in 2025, we require you to complete a new counselling registration form. The link can be found below. New referrals and requests can be made via the same link.
Parent consent for counselling continues to be required for all primary school students and will be sought and provided via email. Where parents are separated, we require the written consent of both parents. Once the referral has been received, I will contact parents on a Wednesday to further discuss the referral and determine whether school counselling can meet your child’s needs or if an external referral may be more appropriate.
Referrals can be submitted here
I am at St. Bede’s on Wednesdays each week.
More about School counselling/how to access school counselling at St. Bede’s.
As part of the pastoral care program for students at St. Bede’s, students have access to a Student and Family Counselling service provided by Marymead CatholicCare Canberra & Goulburn (MCCG). MCCG are contracted by the CEO to provide a counselling service to students and their families on site. There is no fee to access this service. The service offers short term counselling support (5 – 6 sessions per referral issue, totalling one term worth off support on a fortnightly basis) to children and their families – the counsellor can also provide referrals or advice for more complex issues requiring intensive or long-term therapy/support.
The role of the counsellor is to focus on the emotional, social, and educational well-being of the students. Counsellors welcome contact with students having difficulty with some part of their life, the concern does not have to be a big one. It is better to seek help sooner rather than later. Some typical concerns that counsellors work with include anger, anxiety, behavioural problems, low mood, family changes/separation, grief and loss, learning and educational challenges, parenting challenges, peer and other social relationships, school avoidance, stress and study skills. As well as individual sessions with students, counsellors consult with parents and teachers and make referrals to other services and supports.
Student and Family Counsellors subscribe to a set of professional ethics that include duty of care and respect for the individual rights to privacy and confidentiality. The counsellors’ obligation is to ensure the safety, wellbeing, and confidentiality of the student they are working with. All counsellors are mandated to report any disclosure or sign of abuse (including self-harm) or neglect to Child Protection Services. Outside of these mandated requirements, all counselling sessions are confidential, and the details will not be discussed with other parties unless consent is given by the client.
Faith Costigan – Student and Family Counsellor.
At St Bede's canteen is run every 2nd Monday. The running of canteen is dependant on volunteers - we require at least 2 parent volunteers per canteen.
Please see the roster below - if you are able to help please contact Brenda, Trish or the office to have your name added.
If canteen is cancelled your child will need to bring their own lunch, as per a non canteen day.
If you have any questions about what is required to help on canteen please contact Brenda on 0438 275 032 or Trish on 0412 889507 or 02 48422027.
Please note that any parents volunteering for canteen must have a current Working With Children Check (WWCC). WWCC can be applied for through Service NSW (link) applying for a WWCC. Once you have received the clearance please send a copy of the email + your date of birth to the office as the clearances are checked.
3 March | Helpers wanted |
17 March | Helpers wanted |
31 March | Helpers wanted |
Kinder |
Reggie | Aubree | |
Year 1 |
Belle H | Chase R | |
Year 2 |
Lachie | Maxi | |
Year 3 |
Jasmine | AJ | Miguel |
Year 4 |
Winston | Archer | Kamsi & Kitty |
Year 5/6 |
Jake | Eden | Lana |